Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Stage 9: Tichit to Nema

Daily Updates From David on Patricia's progress in the Dakar Rally.

Photo: Patricia on Special Stage
8: More sand....and its getting softer....
.....they call the sand "fache fache" when you sink up to your handlebars...

....I suspect it is often called something else when that actually happens !!

FROM DAVID: January 15 2007

(connection 0km, special 494km, connection 3km, total 497km)

Update on yesterday - Patricia completed another long day successfully, arriving in camp just before dark - which was a great achievement.

There was much stony ground during the day, which meant her wrists were very painful by the time she arrived, and the doctor has bandaged one up for her.

Werner had a bit of a fall the day before yestereday and is in quite a bit of pain. Tom (and Patricia) are trying to persuade him to take the equine (horse) painkillers that Tom brings along (supplied by Tom's wife Sonia who works in a veterinary surgeons). Apparently they do wonders, but side effects include a tendency to start talking to the camels.

Looking ahead to Tuesday (today): Nema to Nema; connection 0km, special 360 km, connection 0km. Today is the day that was shortened in advance by the Organisation, due to political unrest in Muaritania. So to quote Patricia " the special is only 360km". Most people don't go that far when they go on holiday !!

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