Friday, January 12, 2007

Stage 7: Zouerat to Atar

Daily Updates From David on Patricia's progress in the Dakar Rally

Photo: Patricia on Special Stage 5 ; obeying the 30mph speed limit in an urban area.....or maybe not.... she does not do so in the UK, so why do it in Africa !!

FROM DAVID: January 12 2007

(connection 4 km, special 542 km, connection 34 km, total 580 km)

You are safe from journalistic creativity today ... as we do have some genuine, hot off the press news!! I have just spoken to Patricia in Atar. She had a good day on the rankings - 93rd today. It was a long day and after getting no sleep last night because her back was hurting, she found the day quite tiring.

However, tomorrow is rest day - a chance to recuperate and recharge the batteries (on the KTM as well as the PWM).

There were some technical problems yesterday for Werner, as his road-book broke, so today he rode all the way today with Patricia - which made for a rather more sociable stage than normal. Apparently, one hour from camp tonight, they took a rest - within this one hour break much conversation was had with a local Mauritanian tea-shop owner, much tea-was drunk and some clothes were purchased - sounds more like a trip to Oxford Street than a Dakar Rally to me !!!

The competition between the ladies this year is now heating up - Patricia reckons she is currently about 4th. The Faring on her bike broke loose today and has been causing issues for a few days now - Patricia estimates it is taking 20mins off her time each day - hopefully tomorrow, with a full day on the task, Bernie will be able to make a more permanent repair.

Patricia's mobile phone no longer works - apparently the signal is even weaker than in Cambridge - and she has switched to the satellite phone. No texts are getting through on either device. I will provide you the number of the sat phone should you wish to call her tomorrow - 00000000000 - however I should warn you that it only works when it is switched on (obviously) AND Patricia holds it very precisely without any movement (not so obvious !). I have not managed to connect to it yet, so good luck if you try.

Looking ahead to Saturday : Rest Day, so there will no racing to report, although I have some observations to make on the differing nature of the Truck, Car and Bike riders of the Dakar, as observed in Lisbon - which I hope you will find of interest, even if of no practical use in your life !! Tune in, if you can bear it .....

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